Deadly Coven by Jenna St. James

Deadly Coven by Jenna St. James

Author:Jenna St. James [St. James, Jenna]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2021-11-29T23:00:00+00:00

Chapter Fourteen

I quickly scanned the patrons inside Boos & Brews as I crossed the threshold of the tavern. I hadn’t been inside the bar in well over ten years, and from what I could see, not much had changed—not even the people inside drinking.

“Order me a Float Like a Butterfly, would ya?” Needles did a flip in the air, his wings shimmering violet and purple. “I could use a drink.”

I snorted. “I’m not ordering you an alcoholic drink, Needles.”

“Did someone say Needles needs a drink?” a deep voice asked as he turned around on the barstool. “Would that be Needles who knows my friend Shayla Loci?”

I broke into a grin as the hulking man stood and gathered me into his tree-trunk arms, lifted me off the ground, and shook me like a rag doll.

“I think he missed you,” Needles said as he did another flip in the air. “Can you breathe, Princess?”

“It’s good to see you too, Tommy,” I said, letting Needles know I was okay. “Been awhile.”

He set me down, grabbed my shoulders, and pushed me back from him. “I heard you were back on the island. Oh, look at you! Lovely as ever.” He gave my shoulder a pat, and I tried not to wince. “And went into law enforcement, I hear? Always the straight and narrow for you, my friend.”

Behind me, Alex cleared his throat.

“Tommy, this is Sheriff Stone,” I said. “We were hoping to speak to you for a minute.”

Tommy sobered instantly. “Damn shame about Marnie.” He thwacked the top of the bar twice. “I was having a drink in her honor. Come, let’s take this in my office.” He picked up his drink and motioned for us to follow him. “We can have some privacy back here.”

Needles settled down on my shoulder, and I fell into step behind Tommy, Alex behind me. We wound around the tables and crossed to the other side of the room. Tommy opened a door and gestured us to sit in the chairs across from his desk.

“I can’t tell you how sad I was to hear about Marnie,” Tommy said as he sat behind his desk. “She was a good server and had a way with the patrons. Always pleasant and smiling.”

“Well, someone disliked her enough to poison her and kill her,” Alex said. “Any idea who would do that?”

“No idea,” Tommy said.

Alex leaned forward. “We just came from seeing Greg Catman, and he told us that Marnie made a deal with you that somehow landed his girlfriend, Diana Hedge, in a boatload of trouble. Were you angry at Marnie for what she did?”

Tommy stared hard at Alex, then his shoulders shook, and finally he threw back his head and laughed. “Are you asking me if I killed Marnie? No, Sheriff, I did not.” He shook his head, picked up his drink, and sipped. “But you’ve got guts, that’s for sure.”

“Keep it up, Gargoyle,” Needles said, “and they might be guts that are spilled on the floor. Princess, tell the troll I’m okay with him gutting the gargoyle if he feels so inclined.


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